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Racialized Trauma, Resilience and Healing

Join Resmaa Menakem as he teaches the basics of cultural somatics and psychological first aid to participants. Cultural Somatics training supports communities, individuals and organizations to find strength and healing that is holistic and resilient to set a course for healing historical and racialized trauma carried in the body. This somatics-body approach is based on the historical and perpetual myth that Black bodies, Native bodies, other bodies of color are inherently deviant to the dominant “white body supremacy structure.” This translates to “white-body supremacy trauma” that all, including white identified individuals, communities and systems – integrate into their bodies and structures.

Session Time: 
Thursday, December 9, 2021 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Session Type: 
General Session
Learning Objectives: 
• Recognize the stress signs and symptoms of trauma and understand the basics of the HIPP theory of racialized trauma.
• Understand the basics of at least one resourcing technique
Presenter Name: 
Resmaa Menakem
Organization Affiliation: 
NY Times Bestselling Author of My Grandmother’s Hands
Resmaa Menakem, NY Times bestselling author of My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies, is a visionary Justice Leadership coach, organizational strategist, and master trainer. A leading voice in today’s conversation on racialized trauma, Resmaa created Cultural Somatics, which utilizes the body and resilience as mechanisms for growth. As a therapist, trauma specialist, and the founder of Justice Leadership Solutions, Resmaa Menakem dedicates his expertise to coaching leaders through civil unrest, organizational change, and community building. Resmaa’s embodied approach which he calls Somatic Abolitionism is a living, embodied philosophy that requires endurance, stamina, and discernment.