The GateHouse Accredited

The GateHouse organization provides a continuum of services for individuals who are seeking professional services for substance abuse. The GateHouse offers three Residential Extended Care treatment options (GH Lititz, GH Marietta, & GH Mountville), that are gender specific and located throughout the rural parts of Lancaster County. In addition to the residential locations, The GateHouse offers outpatient treatment services (GateHouse Behavioral Health Services) that include an Intensive Outpatient Program. Partial Hospitalization Program, and Case Management services. Lastly, the GateHouse offers several options for transitional living at one out of eight Recovery Houses located throughout Lancaster city.
As an established nonprofit organization, The GateHouse aims to restore the human spirit of each one of its clients through comprehensive recovery services. The GateHouse team stands by its mission, vision, and values statements in order to provide the best possible care for its clients and help them achieve lifelong recovery.
Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs