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CARA Success

This evening the US Senate completed a procedural move which guarantees that the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) will be voted on, probably later this week.   

The National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers, working alongside our sister organizations, assisted in obtaining the votes necessary to get CARA out of the Senate Committee and to eliminate the possibility of a filibuster on the Senate floor. CARA provides treatment for pregnant women, those involved in the criminal justice system, and other at-risk individuals. It also provides naloxone for law enforcement agencies, expands disposal sites for unwanted prescription medication and strengthens drug monitoring programs.

CARA is an example of what can be achieved when addiction issues are addressed in a bi-partisan basis.  It is the first major addiction legislation seriously considered since the PARITY bill was passed in 2008.  

Speaking after the vote this evening, Judiciary Committee Chairman Grassley complemented the sponsors from both parties who worked to achieve passage of this legislation. 

During his comments on the Senate floor, co-sponsor Senator Rob Portman referenced support from the National Association of Treatment Providers.

- Mark Dunn, NAATP Policy Representative, Washington, DC