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NAATP Encourages our Members to Register and Use Our Voices

Today is National Voter Registration Day

NAATP’s Public Policy Advocacy Program is an essential component of our work. As the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers, we use our voice to promote law and policy that provides access to high-quality Substance Use Disorder Treatment (SUD). The impact we make is done collectively and by our members using their individual voices. As such, it is imperative that our members register to vote and vote when the time comes.

We encourage our members and their employees to vote for candidates that serve the collective systemic goal of prompting addiction treatment and recovery. The NAATP Public Policy Statement and our Mission, Vision, and Values are offered as guides

Have you moved and not re-registered? Not sure if you are registered? Click the link below which will provide you with the information you need to check on your registration.

Confirm your registration

Healthcare and SUD treatment will be impacted by the individuals elected this November. It’s important that your voice be heard as these critical choices are made. Please register, vote and encourage your co-workers, family and friends to do the same.