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FoRSE Leadership


Annie PetersPh.D.  - NAATP, Director of Research and Education; FoRSE Executive Director
Marvin Ventrell - NAATP, Chief Executive Officer

Board of Directors

John Driscoll, Chair - Caron Treatment Center, CEO
Bob Ferguson, - Secretary/Treasurer Jaywalker Lodge and Alpha BH, Founder
Jay Crosson, Cumberland Heights Foundation, CEO
Corrie Vilsaint, Ph.D. - Harvard Medical School, Instructor; Recovery Research Institute, Research Scientist; Center for Addiction Medicine and Massachusetts General Hospital
James F. Witteck-  Sycamore BH and Wellbrook Consulting, Founder and CEO

Advisory Board

Eric Bailly - Business Solutions Director, Anthem, Inc.
Shannon Biello - Director of National Treatment Quality Initiatives, Shatterproof
Dr. Debra Boeldt - Deputy Director, National Mental Health Innovation Center
Bryan Bowen - Chief Operating Officer, Muir Wood
Dr. Beth Collinson - Senior Research Manager, The Phoenix
Dick Dillon - Board Member, NIATx Foundation
Dr. John Dyben - Chief Clinical Officer, Origins Behavioral HealthCare
Pamela Greenberg - President & CEO, Association for Behavioral Health and Wellness
Dr. Nick Hayes - Chief Science Officer, Cumberland Heights
Dr. Holen Hirsh - Director of Public & Behavioral Health, OMNI Institute
Dr. Norman Hoffman - President, Evince Diagnostics
Chuck Ingoglia - President & CEO, National Council for Mental Wellbeing
Ashley Jansen & Jennifer Nowak - Managers, BCBS Association
Michael Johnson - Managing Director, CARF International
Dr. John Kelly - Elizabeth R. Spallin Professor of Psychiatry in Addiction Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Dr. Quyen Ngo - Executive Director, Butler Center for Research, Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation
Dr. Alma Ramic - American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)
Dr. Michael Roeske - Senior Director, Newport Healthcare Center for Research and Innovation
Greg Williams - Manager, Alliance for Addiction Payment Reform

FoRSE Board of Directors Interest and Application 

FoRSE is a nonprofit organization founded in 2020 and headquartered in Colorado. The mission of FoRSE is to improve addiction treatment through science, technology, and education.

The FoRSE Board of Directors serves as the Foundation’s governing body providing oversight and vision. FoRSE operations are conducted by the professional staff of NAATP, headed by the NAATP Director of Research and Education. FoRSE Board members serve without compensation as Foundation volunteers. FoRSE Board members further support the Foundation by assuming any FoRSE-related expenses and supporting FoRSE as donors.

The FoRSE Board is comprised of 5 – 11 members. Board members serve two-year terms and may be eligible for additional terms.

FoRSE Board members are elected by NAATP from a slate of candidates recommended by the FoRSE Board. Candidates are considered for service based on their education, training, experience, and expertise, and understanding of the FoRSE mission and values.

Interested individuals may be considered for service on the FoRSE Board by completing the following form and submitting it with a Curriculum Vitae or Resume. Please send all completed information to [email protected].  

FoRSE Board Application