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A Message from NAATP CEO on the Coronavirus

We all experienced a dramatic shift in the past 48 hours regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) with the World Health Organization (WHO) classifying COVID-19 as a pandemic and our Centers for Disease Control (CDC) instituting a more aggressive response. As a result, we are seeing more government and private agency event cancellations and heightened provider concerns.

As a treatment provider community, we are dramatically impacted by the situation. This is a fluid and dynamic situation with new information and direction being released daily, if not hourly, making it difficult to gather accurate information and respond accordingly.

NAATP is committed to providing support and guidance to our members at this time. We are currently in the process of preparing a Special Webinar Series of online information sessions conducted by NAATP staff and field leadership. We are also communicating with the field’s accrediting bodies whose function is, appropriately, treatment quality and safety. As the situation evolves, members should regularly check the NAATP homepage for information. Please have your member login information in hand when you do.

NAATP is responding to the situation both from the perspective of our association’s operational issues and our members’ patient and staff concerns. Regarding NAATP events, such as NAATP National 2020, no change in plans is warranted at this time. Other organizations canceling events are primarily international or scheduled in the upcoming weeks. NAATP National 2020 remains scheduled for May 16-18 and currently there is no reason to assume it will not take place as scheduled. For more information on the conference and COVID implications, please go to our Coronavirus Update page.

Regarding our member’s treatment concerns, we are addressing protocols in the areas of admissions, patient health and safety, and human resources. In addition to the resources linked below and checking the NAATP homepage for upcoming COVID sessions, please remember that NAATP one-on-one member information sharing can be the best resource of all. Login to the Member to Member (M2M) discussion forum to share and review resources.

NAATP is a community. We exist and we thrive together. This is our essence as a professional addiction treatment provider society. No one need be alone in this process. We are all connected through our membership Addiction Industry Directory (AID). Please refer to our colleague's links and reach out to one another.

Thank you,

Marvin Ventrell

Resource Links

Sample Treatment Center Public Messaging from our Members**

  1. Jaywalker Lodge/Alpha 180
  2. Ashley Addiction Treatment
  3. Caron Treatment Centers
  4. Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation
  5. Mountainside
  6. Sierra Tucson

Sample Treatment Center Policies**

  1. Northbound Coronavirus Disease Policies & Procedures
  2. Jaywalker Lodge/Alpha 180 Policies, Procedures, and Resources 

Other Treatment Provider Resources

  1. DEA Electronic Prescribing and Telemedicine
  2. HHS COVID-19 and HIPAA
  3. HHS Notification of Enforcement Discretion for telehealth remote communications

Sample Employee Practice Resources

  1. NSM Coronavirus and the Workplace
  2. Alliant The Coronavirus and Its Impact on Employers
  3. Florida DCF - Pandemic Preparedness in the Workplace
  4. Alliant Employer Coronavirus Guidance
  5. Alliant Relevant Federal, State, and Local Guidance
  6. Alliant Relevant Federal, State, and Local Legislation

Accreditor Protocols

  1. The Joint Commission Infection Prevention and Control

COVID-19 Key Resources

  1. CDC Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Summary
  2. CDC Steps Healthcare Facilities Can Take
  3. CDC Implementation of Mitigation Strategies
  4. CDHS Guidance for Behavioral Health Providers
  5. Handwashing
  6. NIH Potential Implications for Individuals with Substance Use Disorders
  7. NIH Guidance on Travel and Meetings 
  8. UCHealth 5 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Coronavirus Anxiety
  9. World Health Organization Rolling Updates
  10. SAMHSA Tips for Social Distancing, Quarantine, and Isolation

**Call to Action

We are collecting and re-posting messaging, policy, and protocol information as a guide for the treatment community at large. If your organization has a set of policies in place that you are willing to share the membership, please send it to [email protected]. We will be updating these resource links as we collect more information. 

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