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Calling All Treatment Providers: 2022 Salary Survey Input Request

NAATP’s Addiction Treatment Salary Survey has been an industry staple for decades. Produced biannually, the Salary Survey guides the profession’s leadership and workforce in all areas of operational staffing and budgeting within a four-part framework of Staff Characteristics, Salaries, Benefits, and Participation. Within the framework, our surveys include breakdowns of:

  • Geographic Location
  • Organizational Profit Structure
  • Annual Revenue
  • Facility Type and Capacity
  • Service Area
  • Staff Demographics
  • Contractors
  • Health Insurance
  • Retirement Benefits

As the NAATP community, you are the essential sources of the field’s data. As such, NAATP members define the field’s composition and compensation.

The 2022 survey data collection instrument has been sent to all current NAATP provider members. If you have already completed your survey, thank you. If you have not returned your survey yet, I urge you to do so as soon as possible. By submitting your data, you not only serve your organization and your patients, but you also contribute to the overall efficacy of the profession. This has never been more important than it is now given the workforce challenges we all face.

NAATP is a collaborative community of professionals, and we know from experience that we all do better when we work together. With budget season approaching for many programs, it is important to get the survey out soon. Please submit your data no later than July 15, 2022.

The survey is an expensive product to produce but our members have consistently called upon The National Association to produce it. As such, we provide the survey to all members who submit data early and at no cost. The survey will later be available to non-participants for a fee.

If you are not familiar with the structure of NAATP salary surveys, you can view the 2020 survey here:

2020 Salary Survey report

Instructions for Participating in the 2022 Salary Survey

The 2022 Salary Survey data collection will remain open through Friday, July 15th. Please contact Kayla Huett at [email protected] to obtain your survey link, unique to each organization’s location. The survey should take 30-45 minutes if you have all the necessary materials, including staff lists, detailed salary and benefit information, and general census information. It may be useful for you to look at the survey structure at this link as a preview of your unique survey link. Click here to view the full survey in advance. 

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