PACE Recovery Center Accredited

At PACE Recovery Center, we incorporate our treatment philosophy into residential programs and specialized clinical treatment tracks. Addressing all facets of the disease of addiction, as well as underlying behavioral health issues, the PACE approach integrates research and clinical practices from medical, psychological, social, familial and self-help communities. Trust our premier Orange County facility to provide residential treatment for these areas of substance misuse and behavioral health:
To help clients overcome substance misuse and pursue sustained sobriety, PACE introduces principles of time-tested 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA), as well as evidence-based 12-step alternatives. PACE Recovery Center is built on a bio-psycho-social-spiritual foundation that is integral to recovery. Through education, psychotherapy, 12-step programs, integrative health and physical healing, clients gain deeper insight into the origins of their addiction.