Crossroads Children and Mothers Program Accredited

A major concern of women seeking addiction treatment is often their children. They worry about being away from them or who will care for them while they are in treatment. The Children and Mothers Residential Program for addiction recovery in Maine is unlike traditional programs in that it encompasses childcare, parenting education and related services. Pregnant and postpartum mothers can keep their children close and learn how to more effectively care for them as they work on their own recovery and creating a healthier lifestyle.
The program is open to women at any stage of pregnancy, those who have children under age 5, and those who are working on family reunification. Onsite living arrangements are provided and childcare is available while women attend counseling, support group meetings, parenting classes and other activities. In addition, we address co-occurring mental health issues, and take gender-responsive and trauma-informed approaches to provide treatment that meets the challenges women face in recovery. An evidence-based curriculum is used that incorporates Seeking Safety, A Woman’s Way Through the Twelve Steps, Motivational Interviewing and Relapse Prevention Therapy.
Crossroads provides gender-responsive addiction and behavioral health treatment services in a safe and respectful environment so individuals and families can lead healthy lives.