Peace Valley Recovery Accredited
Peace Valley Recovery is a premier outpatient addiction treatment center located in beautiful Bucks County, Pennsylvania. We work with individuals over the age of 18 from all types of backgrounds and addiction situations. If you’re struggling with drug or alcohol use that’s impacting your ability to lead a positive, healthy lifestyle, our outpatient treatment center can help.
We seek to deliver comprehensive outpatient rehab and addiction treatment solutions. Our goal is to help you understand the entire addiction cycle so you can develop new coping skills, recognize triggers and root causes for drug or alcohol use and find your own path to healing and recovery.
At Peace Valley Recovery, we recognize that achieving wellness and long-term sobriety is about so much more than simply quitting drug or alcohol use. We partner with you on this leg of your recovery journey so you’re never trying to figure out this confusing process on your own. And we do so in a peaceful, tranquil environment that promotes a loving, safe atmosphere you can count on.
Peace Valley Recovery seeks to heal individuals and families affected by the disease of addiction through building a bridge to a peaceful and purposeful life.
Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs