First City Recovery Center Accredited

First City Recovery Center, LLC (FCR) offers High Intensity Residential Services, and outpatient services in the form of Partial Hospitalization (PHP), Intensive Outpatient (IOP) and Outpatient (OP) levels of care, and the clients in all our streams have the goal of long-term abstinent recovery. 3.7 Medically Monitored High Intensity Inpatient , High Intensity Residential Services correspond to ASAM 3.5, Partial Hospitalization L.O.C. approximates ASAM PPC-2R Level II.5, Intensive Outpatient L.O.C. approximates ASAM PPC-2R Level II, while Outpatient L.O.C. approximates ASAM PPC-2R Level I.
Counseling, case management and psycho-education are needed for all clients within our care and FCR will, therefore, offer substance abuse counseling and case management across all our treatment streams, delivered in a client-centered manner by qualified and supervised professionals, in accordance with IAC 4.4-2-4 and 440 IAC 4.4-2-4.5 Uniform criteria for programs that are certified as outpatient.
First City Recovery’s mission is to provide best practice community-based treatment services to help all persons served to meet their full potential as independent and fully productive individuals. We respect each client’s choice in whether they wish to follow a Medication Assisted Treatment program or an Abstinence approach to their own recovery. We are committed to supporting, educating and enriching, through collaboration, training and leadership, all our clients, their families and the communities we serve and championing addiction recovery. Our mission is one of quality care, education and community support for each patient and their families and significant others.
The objectives of our mission are achieved in the following manner:
• Provide direct services, education, support and advocacy for clients, family members, the community we serve, and significant others who are involved with his/her care;
• Meet the individual needs of each client without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, handicap, veteran status or ability to pay.
• Respect the client, his/her family and significant others as individuals, assuring his/her right for confidentiality, respect and dignity.
• Maintain optimal standards of professional practice leading to the highest possible quality of care.
• Integrate client/family education into all plans of care.
• Meet the needs of all referral sources and stakeholders in the most prompt, professional manner possible.
• Promote and encourage professional growth of all staff.