Free by the Sea Accredited

Our program is 7 days a week 24-hour care consisting of individual sessions, group activities and process groups. The program addresses recovery education, relapse prevention, emotion regulation, art therapy, mediation and life skills. Each treatment program is individualized for the patient’s specific needs. Patients have the option of attending classes specific to their needs, such as trauma, Wellbriety, anger management and 12 step education.
Our foundation is centered around Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as well as mindfulness which flows into all aspects of recovery. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the base therapy as client moves into PHP, they then learn and demonstrate DBT skills.
Within the first week, the patient’s admission will be focused on discharge planning and goal and expectations will be set forth in the treatment plan. The counselor will also provide the patient with resources to overcome barriers and what one should do in the event of a crisis.
Our professional staff at Free by the Sea ensure that the patient is properly placed in aftercare services to continue to work on all their identified needs.
Free by the Sea is a community of dedicated professionals committed to providing care to all individuals with dignity and respect. Our integrated care addresses behavioral health issues impacting recovery. Client centered care, respectful of clients need and concerns is a foundation of our approach. We adhere to standards of care, evidence based practices as well as compliance with regulatory mandates.
Our vision is one of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being for everyone seeking recovery.
Our goal is to meet the individual needs of every resident, giving them the tools and skills they will need to achieve and maintain a life of recovery.
Washington State Department of Health