Oregon Trail Recovery Accredited

Oregon Trail Recovery is a 3-6 month transitional living program, offering PHP, IOP, and OP levels of care with sober living homes attached. The program is fully inclusive and entails life skills training, many evidence-based treatment modalities, experiential therapy, 1-on-1 therapy, as well as regular adventure excursions. Our sober living homes are managed by live-in house managers that help clients to learn the skills needed to function in society and are also all in training to receive their CADC I. Our program serves to bridge the gap between addiction and/or inpatient treatment settings and everyday life, living as a clean, sober, and happy member of society. We are a 12-step based program and require daily 12-step meeting attendance from our clients, to which they are transported to and from by Oregon Trail Recovery staff. Our ultimate goal is to assist our clients in applying the skills that they learn in a residential treatment setting to everyday life and to be their last treatment experience.
We want to help clients take the skills they learned in residential treatment and apply them to everyday life.
Oregon Addiction and Mental Health