Ascend Recovery Accredited

Ascend Recovery located in Utah is designed to help patients suffering from addiction & mental health (dual diagnosis) to move through a system of levels of care that would return patients from a residential treatment environment back to their own independent lives.
Our patients move step by step from a life of struggles with mental health and addiction to a life of rewarding independence. Treatment at Ascend is individualized and integrates three (3) levels of care corresponding to each patient’s needs.
RESIDENTIAL CARE: incorporating every aspect of our treatment approach to treating addiction as a response to trauma and underlying mental health diagnosis.
EXTENDED CARE: a transitional level of care focusing upon ‘executive functioning’ skills to more effectively step individual clients down in their level of care.
SOBER LIVING: Patients at this level of care achieve full reintegration into the community with ongoing outpatient support. This level of care is exclusive to patients who started with Ascend in Residential Care thus leveraging both shared experience and continuity of care.
State of Utah Department of Human Services
Executive Functioning Support