Crestview Recovery Services Accredited

Crestview Recovery Center is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center with the experience to help you recover. Our entire staff is dedicated to giving you the care that you need to begin regaining control over your life and start the healing process. Moreover, our caring and understanding staff members are among the most experienced in the field. We believe in a holistic approach to recovery, rather than just using evidence-based methods. While there is certainly a place for them in our treatment philosophy, we also understand how important it is to help people heal mind, body, and spirit. Learn more about what sets Crestview Recovery Center apart from other treatment facilities in the Pacific Northwest.
Our mission is to provide alcohol and drug-addicted individuals and their families the opportunity to choose a healthier way of life. Crestview Recovery believes that alcoholism and addictions are primary illnesses that are chronic, progressive and potentially fatal. They impact every aspect of an individual’s life, damaging physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
Although there is no cure for this illness, it can be put into remission by following a carefully structured recovery program that demands self-honesty, a willingness to change, and a belief that a support system, which includes other recovering people, is vital. It is Crestview Recovery's belief that its treatment program can provide the knowledge, supportive environment, and basic tools that Clients need in order to begin their journey into recovery.
The treatment program at Crestview Recovery is licensed by the State of Oregon and utilizes evidence-based therapeutic methods. The foundation for the program is total abstinence from any mood-altering chemicals, followed by learning and practicing the self-help concepts in community-based 12-step programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous. The program utilizes assessment, education, group counseling, individual counseling, medical intervention, and mental health therapy, along with evidence-based practices that have proved effective in helping individuals maintain sobriety. The program offered by Crestview Recovery is holistic and comprehensive, with the goal of meeting the needs of all Clients. Clients work collaboratively with their Therapist in developing an individualized treatment plan that addresses their specific issues and individual needs.
State of Oregon