Nov 20, 2023

The NAATP CEO-to-CEO Series Convening Collaborative Leadership
We are pleased to announce the launch of a new NAATP member service called The CEO-to-CEO Series (C2C). The program will bring our membership’s chief executives together online each quarter to address the pressing challenges of SUD treatment operation in an unmanaged addiction crisis and ever-changing business environment. The series will complement our Member-to-Member (M2M) program but will be limited to NAATP Provider and Supporter Members who serve as chief executives. Our first such convening will be December 6, 2023, and you may register for the session at the link below.
Wednesday, December 6, 2023 | 10:00 to 11:30 pm MST | Free | Zoom
C2C is limited to chief executives at Provider and Supporter NAATP Member organizations in good standing.
Register Now ➔
Register for future C2C sessions ➔
The more things change the more they stay the same. I’m not sure that is entirely true, but one thing has not changed since NAATP’s founding in 1978: a high tide raises all boats. The founding proposition of NAATP, and indeed the very notion of a professional membership society, is that the viability of a profession is tied to its members’ shared recognition of core values and competencies and its leadership’s willingness to participate as a professional body.
The demand for addiction treatment is vast; there is plenty of work to go around. Further, there is discreet space for collaboration within a competitive market system. Hence C2C.
The program will focus on the most recognized challenges we face including Workforce, Reimbursement, Marketing, Ethics and Professionalism, Clinical Delivery, Co-Occurring Competence, and Outcomes-Based and Measurement-Based Practice. We will also address the frequently less addressed issues that we cannot afford to neglect: Behavioral Health Integration, Leadership Development, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity. Beyond that, you, as leaders doing the work will inform us at NAATP what you need and how we may best respond to those needs.
Join us!