Nov 14, 2024

The National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP) has recently released The Addiction Treatment Provider Quality Assurance Guidebook, 2nd Edition, A Guide to the Core Competencies for the Delivery of Addiction Treatment Services, an exclusive resource only available to NAATP members.
Our role as a business association is to champion addiction treatment providers by driving excellence in operations. The Guidebook serves as a best-practices tool to help program leaders improve operations, build team expertise, and deliver effective care solutions. It is a business improvement strategy that can:
- Produce more effective and efficient management, clinical treatment, and workforce development processes.
- Increase the profitability of treatment center operations.
- Improve patient satisfaction and workforce retention, skills, and performance.
The Guidebook establishes an industry benchmark of core competence for the delivery of addiction treatment services and sets NAATP members on a strategic pathway to success. At the same time, it informs payers, policymakers, and consumers that NAATP members deliver services at the highest levels of the trade.
The second edition builds on the success of the first, defining and expanding 12 Core Competencies of Addiction Treatment Service, including:
- Philosophy and Organizational Culture
- Licensing, Accreditation, and Regulatory Engagement
- Clinical Continuum
- Employment, Training, and Credentialing
- Billing, Reimbursement, and Value-Based Care
- Outcomes Measures
- Technology
- Community Engagement and Public Relations
- Public Policy
- Marketing, Advertising, and Visibility
- Code of Ethics
Within these competencies are 49 Guidelines, accompanied by commentary and resources to aid in implementation.
Why a guidebook and why a second edition now? Addiction, Substance Use Disorder (SUD) is healthcare, essential, lifesaving professional healthcare and our success as a field requires that we operate and recognize it as such. This requires the kind of rigor found in the practice of the highest levels of professional services. This is particularly the case within the disciplines of medicine, alongside which SUD must operate, and all of which are grounded in recognized competencies.
SUD treatment continues to evolve. Born out of a social movement, it is established as a medical disease accompanied by a growing body of evidenced-based diagnostic and treatment practices. We know that addiction is rooted in the brain and that it is comprised of biological, psychological, social, and spiritual manifestations. We also know it is deadly and that our nation finds itself in a healthcare crisis of unprecedented epic proportion. It is imperative that we as a profession embrace and demonstrate healthcare informed practice guidelines.
This essential resource is just one of many benefits NAATP members enjoy. Don’t miss the opportunity to access the Guidebook and position your organization for greater success.
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