Conference Thank You
Thank you to the 600 treatment professionals that attended, sponsored, exhibited, volunteered, and presented NAATP National 2022! We had a successful conference with great energy. Our members and attendees went back home with renewed vision and direction as the conference environment revolved around thought-provoking discussions and beneficial networking.
Location and Theme
NAATP National 2022 was the 43rd Addiction Treatment Leadership Conference for The National Association. It was held at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego, CA on May 7-9 2022. The theme was Using our Core Values to Define Value-Based Care: Cultural Humility as a Guide for Quality Treatment Delivery and the sessions focused on access to treatment, value-based care, reimbursement, DEI, outcomes, and more.
2022 Conference Program
Download and view the conference program to review sessions, sponsors, and more!
2022 Conference Program
2022 Conference Brochure
2022 Conference Session Materials
General Session PowerPoints:
Opening Night Awards Banquet
GS1: Welcome & Addiction in America: A Comprehensive Response to a National Emergency
GS2: Stories of our Ancestors: Understanding the Impact of Culture, Race, and Trauma on Addictions
GS3: Implementing the NAATP Stages of Change Model for DEI Best Practices
GS4: Defining a Comprehensive, Equitable, and Measurable Model for Addiction Treatment
Closing Session: Access, Values, Efficacy, and Sustainability: The National Association’s Role in the Viability of Addiction Treatment
Public Policy Lunch: The Value of a United Voice The NAATP Policy Agenda and the Political Action Committee
Workshop Session PowerPoints:
1A: Strategies for Developing and Maintaining a Healthy and Effective Treatment Workforce
1B: The NAATP Ethics Program: Where We Were and Where We Are Now
2A: Achieving Value-Based Care through Equitable Reimbursement
2B: Advances in Virtual Care for Substance Use Disorders
General Session Audio Files:
Opening Night Awards Banquet
GS1: Welcome & Addiction in America: A Comprehensive Response to a National Emergency
GS2: Stories of our Ancestors: Understanding the Impact of Culture, Race, and Trauma on Addictions
GS3: Implementing the NAATP Stages of Change Model for DEI Best Practices
GS4: Defining a Comprehensive, Equitable, and Measurable Model for Addiction Treatment
Closing Session: Access, Values, Efficacy, and Sustainability: The National Association’s Role in the Viability of Addiction Treatment
Leadership Luncheon: Digital Heroin The Role of Leadership in Developing a Treatment Response to Screen and Tech Addiction
Workshop Session Audio Files:
1A: Strategies for Developing and Maintaining a Healthy and Effective Treatment Workforce
1B: The NAATP Ethics Program: Where We Were and Where We Are Now
2A: Achieving Value-Based Care through Equitable Reimbursement
2B: Advances in Virtual Care for Substance Use Disorders
Thank you to Recovery Coast to Coast for providing this great service of providing these audio files.
Conference Photos
Browse and enjoy the conference and golf photos! Access with password: sandiego22
Conference App
Attendees will have access to our NAATP National App into 2023. Search for “NAATP Events and Trainings” in your phone’s app store to download and log in. On the app, you can review session information, presenter bios, the Exhibitor Interactive Floor Plan, FoRSE Information, and more.
Credit Hours
Continuing Education Credits are provided through NAADAC. The National Association #64394 is an approved education provider through NAADAC. Approximately 9.5 credit hours will be offered. NAATP is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. CE Certificates were emailed on May 17th. NBCC credits will NOT be offered. Please check with NBCC directly about self-reporting hours.
Exhibitor Information
Exhibiting is a great way to market your organization and network with leaders, executives, and stakeholders within the addiction treatment field. The purpose of exhibits is to complement sessions at the annual conference by giving colleagues the opportunity to gather together, network, and see high-quality providers and supporters on site.
Thank you to our 2022 Exhibitors
Sponsorship Information
Sponsorship compatibility with the conference mission is important. The National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers reserves the right to determine the eligibility, accepting or rejecting any sponsor that is not in line with the NAATP mission, ethics, character, and purpose of the conference.