NAATP is regularly conducting surveys to gather meaningful opinions, comments, and data to understand how we can best serve our member community. In addition to assessing our members' satisfaction, we also conduct surveys that help our national treatment provider community in the areas of outcome measurements and salary data.
National Addiction Industry Salary Survey
Since 1986, the Salary Survey has helped our national treatment provider community create fair compensation packages, recruit and keep competent staff, and manage the budget. It is the only nationwide survey dedicated to collecting comprehensive compensation data in the addiction treatment industry.
The 2025 Salary Survey data collection is now closed. Our member's participation is crucial and In return for your participation in the data collection, members will receive a copy of the final report which will be released by the end of June 2025. The report will be available to non-participating NAATP members for $500 and $1,500 for non-members.
For more information or assistance with participation, please contact Kayla Huett at [email protected].
Members, Login to your Membership account to access the Salary Surveys from 2008 - 2023.
NAATP Stages of Change in DEI Survey
This survey will help measure your organization’s readiness for and implementation of best practices for diversity, equity, and inclusivity (DEI) in addiction treatment. NAATP’s Stages of Change Model and Organizational Assessment Tool can assist leaders in treatment and recovery programs in this process. You will need to refer to this Tool as you complete this survey. Completion of this survey should take about 10-15 minutes.
Individual responses will be kept confidential, and organization-level summary results will not be shared outside of the organization.
Workforce Survey
NAATP is aware of critical issues our field currently faces with recruiting and retaining qualified staff, and how these challenges are amplified with the emergence of the Omicron Variant. NAATP is working with our Board, member CEOs, related associations, and staffing HR experts to develop additional resources our members can use as they work to maintain full operation, and recruit and retain staff to deliver lifesaving services.
You can access preliminary resources here, and we will continue to add resources as they become available.
To help us better understand the unique needs and challenges faced by our members, please take a few minutes to respond to this 4-question survey. Responses will be used to help guide our efforts, advocate for our members, and develop resources that best address the needs of our members and the field.
Membership Needs Assessment
All members are encouraged to participate in a membership assessment survey to help us better develop programs and services that are tailored to our members' specific needs. Please log in to your membership account to access the survey. The survey should take approximately 10 minutes.
Complete the Membership Assessment Survey
Outcomes Measurement Survey
As part of our ongoing work on outcomes measurement, NAATP has created a landscape survey to better understand the level of adoption of outcomes research and the types of progress monitoring members engage in. Your participation will help guide our work going forward. Please forward this message to your clinical team or the person at your organization most familiar with current outcomes measurement practices. The survey should take approximately 15 minutes.