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NAATP Committee List

NAATP has seven standing committees and rotating ad-hoc advisory committees. Each committee shall perform such activities and utilize such procedures not inconsistent with the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, strategic plans, committee charters, or operating plans as adopted by the Board of Directors. The majority of our standing committees consist of board members only. Committees are limited to nine (9) members, a majority of whom shall be board members, committees may establish nonvoting Advisory Councils where further expertise beyond the committee would be helpful. *Committees which include limited non-board member seats are noted below. Interested individuals may be considered for committee work by submitting a Letter of Interest and a Resume to [email protected] but please understand the finite availability of seats. 

Standing Committees

  • Executive & Governance  
  • Finance 
  • Ethics 
  • *Membership 
  • *Nominations & Elections 
  • Public Policy 
  • *DEIB 

Ad Hoc and Advisory Committees

  • *Education & Training 
  • *Clinical
  • Reimbursement & Parity
  • Awards
  • Strategic Planning 
  • *Workforce 

FoRSE Committees

The NAATP Foundation for Recovery Science and Education (FoRSE) operates under the direction of its own Board of Directors, with NAATP functioning as the sole corporate member and operates these additional committees. 

  • *FoRSE Advisory Committee
  • FoRSE Philanthropy Network (FPN)

*Committees where participation is open to non-board members that are NAATP members in good standing and include an advisory council.