When supervision lacks vitality, it can contribute to feelings of stagnation and doubt among supervisees.
Creative supervision can infuse new perspectives and revitalizing energy into our clinical or professional practice, offering fresh insights and clarity.
This workshop will explore the integration of mindful photography into clinical supervision, and delve into how this practice can help foster an open and trusting relationship between supervisors and supervisees.
Participants will discover how mindful photography can act as a stabilizing force to combat burnout, increase clinical discernment, and help clinicians reconnect with their passion and the core reasons they chose to become mental health practitioners.
During this training, participants will learn:
- The Within & Without™ mindful photography method developed by the instructor, and how to integrate it into clinical supervision
- How mindful photography can increase openness and trust in the supervisor and supervisee relationship
- Ways in which mindful photography can increase clinical discernment and self-of-therapist awareness
Dr. Jessica Thomas holds an MS in Marriage and Family Therapy and a PhD in Psychology with an emphasis in Transpersonal Psychology. She is a therapist, author, educator, and organizational consultant. Jessica has served on the not-for-profit board of the NW Association for Death Education and Bereavement Support for over eight years. She has been a hospice volunteer and a proud volunteer and advocate for Death Cafes, working to increase awareness of death and dying in the greater community. As a professor at Lewis & Clark Graduate School, she has created coursework and taught on death and grief, psycho-spiritual development and counseling, research methods, and clinical supervision. She also provides clinical supervision for counseling students at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Her research focuses on utilizing mindful photography and the experience of anticipatory loss. Jessica’s subsequent developments include the creation of the Within and Without™ therapeutic mindful photography program to support those who are traversing grief due to a death or other major life transitions.
She offers both professional and community workshops, presentations, and talks on death and grief, transpersonal psychology, and the Within and Without™ therapeutic mindful photography method. Some of Jessica’s favorite projects involve developing death and grief education, as well as facilitating creative training sessions and meaningful group practices. To explore Dr. Thomas’s work further, check out her websites: