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Mailing Address: 5900 Balcones Drive, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78731, United States
Phone: 719-302-0142
Membership Type: Affiliate
About This Organization:

Skvare (pronounced "square") is an established team of Drupal and CiviCRM experts that specializes in building online tools for non-profit organizations, professional societies, and membership-driven organizations. We understand and relish in our clients’ unique needs and are experienced at applying the appropriate business processes and technical tools to meet their goals.

Mission Statement:

We believe you should expect more from your technology. This means keeping change in mind so your system can scale alongside your growing needs. As a long-term technology partner, our relationships are built on clear and open communication. You have a vision and we make sure your technology can keep up.

Year Founded: 2008
Vendor Services: Technology, Website Design
Other services offered:

Hosting, data and network security; content management; customer relationship management; and learning management systems. Our CRM solutions provide membership management, event registration, donation management and many other features commonly needed by non-profits, associations and membership organizations.

5900 Balcones Drive